Delta Sigma Rho-
Tau Kappa Alpha
A non-profit collegiate forensic organization dedicated to advancing the educational opportunities in speech and debate.
We are a national collegiate speech and debate organization. We are committed to supporting forensic education in all forms. We are Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha.
DSR-TKA exists to promote interest in and to award suitable recognition for excellence in forensics and original speaking, and to foster respect for and an appreciation of freedom of speech as a vital element of democracy.
After a brief hiatus, we are back ready to serve the collegiate forensic community in a variety of ways. Please explore our website and let us know if you have any questions or ideas. We exist to serve you!
DSR-TKA supports forensic competition! Click here to learn more about the events we offer to help foster speech and debate education!
Who doesn't like some recognition? Click here to learn about the the awards DSR-TKA gives out and the past winners!
Speaker and Gavel is the official DSR-TKA academic journal! Click here to read past issues and learn how to submit manuscripts for publication!