Delta Sigma Rho-
Tau Kappa Alpha
A non-profit collegiate forensic organization dedicated to advancing the educational opportunities in speech and debate.
Submission Guidelines
Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha is seeking manuscripts for its journal, Speaker & Gavel. The journal welcomes theoretical and applied articles as well as teaching suggestions in the fields of forensics (competitive speech and debate). All theoretical and methodological approaches are welcome. While the main focus of the journal is on forensic scholarship, Speaker & Gavel also welcomes manuscript submissions involving general topics in communication studies.
Authors should submit an electronic copy of their work as a Word document by e-mail to the editor. Author identification should be removed from the manuscript itself for review purposes. A separate, electronic title page should include a 100-125 word abstract, author's name and professional title, job title, the institutional affiliation of the author(s), and an e-mail address. All manuscripts should be prepared according to current APA guidelines.
E-mail manuscripts and questions to Todd Holm, Editor, Speaker & Gavel, toddtholm@gmail.com.