Delta Sigma Rho-
Tau Kappa Alpha
A non-profit collegiate forensic organization dedicated to advancing the educational opportunities in speech and debate.
DSR-TKA Forensic Grants
DSR-TKA wishes to foster forensic excellence in all forms and sometimes that takes a little financial assistance. We will be offering three grants which will be awarded to applying DSR-TKA members annually starting in 2015. Each grant will be named after important members from the history of DSR-TKA. We are currently accepting nominations for indivudals who deserve this honor.
Each grant is worth up to $500. The purpose of the grants should be to help fund forensic excellence in education, competition, scholarship, service, or anything else worthy of mention. Members are encouraged to apply for one ($500), two ($1000), or all of the grants ($1500). All applications will be considered, but unique proposals which align themselves with the mission of DSR-TKA will be given more weight in the decision making process.
Application should include:
Your name and contact information.
A description of the project the grant is assisting. One page limit.
How much funding you are requesting and how those funds will be used. One page limit.
All applications are due March 1st and are reviewed by the Awards Committee; grant winners will be announced the first week of April. Please send your nominations to Amy Martinelli: acmart@gmail.com