Delta Sigma Rho-
Tau Kappa Alpha
A non-profit collegiate forensic organization dedicated to advancing the educational opportunities in speech and debate.
The National Council
These are the members of your National Council. Their job is to serve the membership of DSR-TKA by sparking interest, awarding excellence, and promoting innovative educational practices in collegiate speech and debate.

Ms. Mary Moore is an instructor in the Department of Communication Studies at Ball State University and the Director of Individual Events. She received her B.S. from Northwest Missouri State University and her M.A. from Ball State University. Mary also serves as an at-large member of Executive Council of the National Forensics Association. She has received numerous awards and honors for his teaching and coaching over the past fifteen years, including most recently the 2013 College of Communication & Media outstanding teacher of year the year award and the 2014 Department of Communication Studies excellence in service award. ​

Mr. Mike Edmonds is the Vice President for Student Life and the Dean of Students at Colorado College. He has been an active member of DSR-TKA for many years and continues to serve the organization as the Treasurer.