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Recognition is a great thing. Which is why DSR-TKA makes sure to take time to hand out some awards every year to the best and brightest of our community. While you do not have to be a DSR-TKA member to nominate someone for an award, recipients must be affiliated with a DSR-TKA school. All applications are due March 1st and are reviewed by the Awards Committee; award winners will be announced the first week of April. Please send your nominations to Amy Martinelli:

Spirit of Forensics Team Award


The Spirit of Forensics Team Award is designed to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of a DSR-TKA affiliated team that serves as an example of not only competitive forensic achievement but also embodies the “spirit of forensics”. The team that will receive this award must demonstrate why they are deserving of this award.  Qualifications may include, but are not limited to: an excellent and creative community service record, an innovative team mentoring program, a particular attitude and/or behavior at tournaments, etc.  Any team that is affiliated with DSR-TKA is eligible for this award. 


Nominations should include:


  • A description of the team—number of members, location, affiliation, type of competition.

  • A (maximum 5 pages) description of why the team embodies the “Spirit of Forensics.” 

  • (Optional) Letter(s) from organizations/communities that the team is involved with.

  • (Optional) Evidence of “spirit” in the form of photographs, videos, etc. 

Coach of the Year Award


The Coach of the Year Award is designed to recognize the accomplishments of graduate students and faculty members who serve as exemplars in speech and debate coaching.  A graduate assistant, assistant coach, or team director of a DSR-TKA affiliate school who demonstrates leadership and innovations in speech and/or debate are eligible for this award.


Nominations should include: 


  • An abstract of the nominee’s accomplishments and contributions as a coach. One page limit.

  • The nominee’s curriculum vita

  • Three letters of recommendation including these specific contributions:  current/former student, current/former supervisor, forensics colleague from another institution. 

DSR-TKA Forensics Scholars


DSR-TKA honors students who maintain strong academic records in addition to their competitive accomplishments. There will be no minimum or maximum number of students eligible for the Forensic Scholar awards. To be eligible for any level of national scholar recognition, a student must have attained at least junior standing, competed in at least four semesters of speech and/or debate, and meet the minimum overall grade point average for that specific award.

a. National DSR-TKA Scholar – summa cum laude. Minimum 3.75 GPA.
b. National DSR-TKA Scholar - magna cum laude. Minimum 3.5 GPA.
c. National DSR-TKA Scholar - cum laude. Minimum 3.25 GPA.
d. National DSR-TKA Scholar – Honorable Mention. Minimum 3.0 GPA



Nominations should include:

  • The student’s name

  • The student’s unofficial transcripts (including his/her fall semester)

Top Forensic Publication


This award is designed to honor the top publication about speech or debate within the last two (current and previous) academic years.  Publications will be considered from academic journals or other published work important to the forensics community in blogs and other forms of digital media. 



Nominations should include:

  • A copy of the publication

  • An abstract arguing why the publication should be considered for this award. One page limit.

© 2015

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